Hi, I'm Olivier STOCKER, I publish here my work concerning remote sensing. I really fell in love with this domain and all it's applications, from urban spread monitoring with sattelite images to railway 3D point cloud classification with deep learning. This site allows me to share my works in remote sensing as well as holding my paper visually enhanced version.

Discover all my internet activities via my LinkTree.

Feel free to reach me via stocker.olivier@gmail.com.



I am currently working on the visualisation of my simulated point clouds and the associated models. If you want to learn more about my PhD works, here is the global subject and some very neat visualisation of LIDAR simulation : COME HERE, I PROMISE IT IS AWESOME


Conference paper

  1. [ACCEPTED] : O. Stocker, R. Mahmoudi Kouhi, E. Guilbert, A. Ferraz, T. Badard: Investigating the Impact of Point Cloud Density on Semantic Segmentation Performance using Virtual Lidar in Boreal Forest, IGRASS 2023. See abstract and point clouds.
  2. O. Stocker and A. Le Bris: Can SPOT-6/7 CNN semantic segmentation improve Sentinel-2 based land cover products? Sensor assessment and fusion, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., V-2-2020, 2020. ISPRS publication page. Full paper. See inference results.


  1. O. Stocker : La modélisation au service de la vision par ordinateur. Série d’ateliers sur les jumeaux numériques, CRDIG, March 2023. See Youtube rediffusion (in french), See programmation.
  2. O. Stocker, E. Guilbert, A Ferraz and J.F. Côté : Simulation d’acquisitions LiDAR aéroportées en milieu forestier pour l’entrainement de réseaux de Deep Learning. TriDiFor symposium, September 2022. See TriDiFor 2022 programmation.
  3. A. Le Bris and O. Stocker : Classification par réseaux de neurones convolutifs de données SPOT-6/7 et Sentinel-2 pour la segmentation sémantique de l'occupation du sol. TEMU Workshop, 2020. See TEMU 2020 programmation.



This is the list of my MVP (Most Valuable Project):


You can find my open source development on my GitHub:


Here is an old prototype of inference result visualisation I did during my intership at IGN. It is a cartography of land cover and land use at country scale "Occupation du Sol à Grande Echelle" (OCS-GE) nomenclatures over Toulouse (France) : Land cover and land use maps from SPOT VHRS

I am a 5b climber and working hard to get to finish my first 6 class route ! Just kidding, dislocated my shoulder again.

I am significant !

Original top image author: Abass; Site editor: Link to creator; Keep in touch